Friday, February 7, 2014

What NOT to do in Japan

Ok, this post may be similar to the "Similarities & Differences" post I did last week, but I wanted to share things that you should definitely NOT to do while in Japan.

(1) One of the first things that comes to mind is escalator etiquette.

Here in the states, there is really a lack of escalator etiquette actually! People run or walk up and down willy nilly and such. This is NOT what Japanese people do. There is one side for standing, in a line, and the other side is used for people to walk up or down/run up or down. This came about because of a series of serious accidents (250 a year!) from people walking or running on escalators. Some escalators have "don't walk" stickers on them, but the right hand side has become the "passing lane" and you line up on the left side to enjoy your ride and not get tramped. They are trying to stop this habit in Japan though and don't want anyone to walk or run on the escalator at all. We'll see how that turns out! ;)

(2) Ladies, do NOT show your cleavage or even wear a form fitting shirt in Japan.

I have read (and have noticed first hand) that Japanese women dress modestly and do not call out attention to themselves. Showing as much leg as you want is acceptable though, but when it comes to cleavage or anything in the chest area, do not flaunt it. Men will stare. O.O It's pretty uncomfortable..I was aware of this fact so I dressed as modestly as I could but there were still some stares. Theres only so much you could do, I even wore a tank top under a shirt that had a kind of low v-neck one day! So heads up, you well-endowed ladies!! It's a highly sexualized area and the Japanese see women who wear low cut shirts as disgracing themselves.

(3) Turn your cell phone off or on silent on trains.

It is VERY rude to use your phone on the trains in Japan. If you get a phone call, do not answer it, and if you do, you must whisper. It is ok to text but do not listen to music loudly, or take video or pictures (as a tourist, I took pics and video while on the train and got some pretty bad looks lol you can actually see one guy giving me the stink eye in the video I took on the train haha) I think this is due to the fact that a lot of business men and such take the train and want their peace and quiet from working long hours/going in to work a long shift. I actually wish this was the norm here in the states, one of my biggest peeves is people talking on the phone loudly or listening to music loudly on the bus..I mean really, why even bother wearing head phones?? I can hear your music clear as day! Ugh! Oh also, don't eat or drink on the trains either. This is probably how they keep them so clean!

(4) Don't get angry in Japan, not matter what!

Showing any kind of emotion is just not done. If your angry at someone for cutting you in line at the bus station or something, don't show it or express your anger. Think about how your actions will affect others, Japanese are very sensitive when it comes to this kind of stuff.

(5) For the guys, do NOT walk around with your shirt off.

No matter how hot it is, or if your going out for a jog, or something, you are not to be out in public without your shirt on. I know its common here to jog, work out, and such with your shirt off but I'm pretty sure its against the law to do so in Japan. Younger people might not care much, but elderly will look at you in disgust and probably heckle you and call the authorities, just saying! Leave your shirt on guys!

Anything major I forgot that I didn't discuss in my "Similarities & Differences" entry already? Let me know! And thanks for reading!

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