Friday, February 14, 2014

Chan goes to New Orleans - August 2011

Since this *is* a Travel Blog after all, why not re-cap the first trip Ben and I took to....

 New Orleans, Louisiana back in August 2011! 

I'm not that great of a rum and coke it is! XD 
Needless to say, there was a lot of alcohol consumed on this trip...
We stayed in the French Quarter, the buildings were so beautiful here!

I *LOVED* the George Rodrigue Gallery! 

May he rest in peace =( A beloved artist that won't be forgotten.
Famous Cafe du Monde!

The Beignets were nommy...we at here every morning!


Famous Cafe du Monde coffee! I actually liked this coffee lol
there is a hint of chicory and milk in it, so good!
I got iced coffee though, way too hot there for regular 

Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop, so cool

The New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum
Zombie whip

 Mummified cat used for zombie rituals

The Wishing Stump! Don't forget to knock 9 times before you make your wish!

Making a wish...

The gang at Felix's!

My first Po-boy! I got shrimp =)

mmmm fried pickles~

A muffaletta sandwich from Central Grocery, so good! The best sandwich!
Home of the Hand Grenade drink - Tropical Isle New Orleans!

What a dangerous drink....

I am so tipsy

The gang!! 

Pretty window in Pat O'Brien's Pub, home of the Hurricane

Oh the Hurriance...another very dangerous drink =x

Do I have to tell you I was sick shortly after this?? XD

Dinner at Acme Oyster House!

Plate full of fried goodness...Fried catfish, fried oysters, fried shrimp, fries, toast and hushpuppies

Horses along Royal Street

St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square

Goofin' around with friends~

New Orleans at night, so pretty

Pool in the hotel. Not so clean...but it was fun lol

Underwater pics!!

its hard to stay underwater long enough to get a pic lol

 We went on a cemetery tour to Lafayette Cemetery, the oldest cemetery 

Emmy and I in front of a gallery with an awesome painting of starfuit that I loved

Night time visit to Tropical Isle

Bennie got jumbo!

Leaving early due to a bad hurricane back home...oh no!

And thats that. Hope you all enjoyed! 
We hope to go back to New Orleans
and stay a little longer than 2 days next time!
I loved it there. The galleries, the people, the food, 
its a wonderful place thats very easy to navigate
 and very affordable.
I can't wait to go back!