Friday, January 31, 2014

Most embarrassing moments from our trip to Tokyo...

Thinking more on what other topics I can write about, I decided to tell you all about our embarrassing moments in Tokyo!

Also, what do you guys think of my new banner? I might update it again, but I made it using its an awesome free graphic editing site =) much recommended!

You all know about the creepy guy that we encountered in Shinjuku Station lol "Do you speak English?" but there were plenty of other memorable moments!!

So, let's get to it-

Firstly, when we were on the plane going to Japan, after we ate a meal, Ben wanted to put his food tray aside so he can relax. The woman sitting next to him must have been a master at balancing food trays because she did it in a way where she had so much room. Ben decided to do exactly what she did and his food tray fell...all over the floor, himself and me but NOT the woman sitting next to him. THANK GOODNESS because there was rice everywhere lol the stewardesses came over and gave us  wet towels and such but it was so bad and Ben was so embarrassed and he never gets embarrassed. Oh, I forgot to mention, at the moment that he dropped the food tray, while many people were napping, digesting their meals, I screamed "BENNIE?!!!!!" very loudly. Yeah, I know how to keep plane etiquette. Needless to say, from then on, Ben was very cautious when receiving any food tray XD

Also on the plane, I think I mentioned that I had some trouble filling out the customs papers lol well, what I did was where it asked for "Nationality" I put "Italian"...yes...not "American"...Nationality and Ethnicity are different things Danielle -_-;;;

Then, when we were on our way to Akihabara for the first time, we got off the train and Google Maps told us to go downstairs. So we saw an elevator and got in. There were 2 floors, we were on the 2nd floor. When we went down, Google Maps told us to go back up so when we got to the 1st floor, the doors opened yet we stayed on lol an older man got on and must have thought "Why are these gaijins (foreigners) not getting off the elevator??" and then we get to the 2nd floor and Google Maps freaked out again so we don't get off AGAIN and go down again lol but in the end, we stayed where we had originally got off, on the 2nd floor and made our way lol We took that little elevator 2-3 times XD

Then, we were taking a train on our way...somewhere...can't remember. I think we were going to Shibuya, it was dark, but we were following Google Maps again (I mean, thank goodness for Google Maps because without it we wouldn't have been able to get to so many places on our own like we did) and it freaked out again lol we were on a train, it told us to get off so we did and waited and waited just for Google Maps to tell us to get back on the train that we were on before haha  oh Google Maps...=/

I believe that's all (Ben had to help me with his entry since my memory isn't so good lol) 


I'm going to try and update this blog every Friday either with a full entry or minor entry (like this one.)

Any suggestions on what I should write about next?

Also, Ben and I plan to take another trip to Tokyo (and possibly making our way to Kyoto too) in 2015! Not set it stone yet, 
but heres to hoping! 

Thanks to all for reading! Stay tuned next Friday for more!

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